Monday, April 2, 2012

Weekend Guests

This past weekend was another exciting one! We got to stay put & still see several of our friends from the Upstate. Greg & Suzy, two of our great friends from church had a wedding in Columbia on Saturday, so we got the privilege of hanging out with this cool baby all weekend.

Greg & Suzy were around a good bit and our sweet friend, Cathleen also came down all day Saturday to hang out, so we had ourselves a grand ol' time. I somehow managed to almost permanently blind myself with only God knows what. I called the optomatrist 3 times and the final time told her I had fixed my own eye. She giggled, but was probaly scared for me. Then, Josh & Jamie swung by on their way to the beach (teachers=punks). But, they did bring one of my favorite babies - Pierce. Check him out in his hammock at the beach!

After Josh & Jamie headed off to Edisto (and I took a 2-hour nap), Cathleen & I decided to do some shopping. We headed to Forever 21 (which is now Forever 26 to me, and will continue to increase in number as I increase in age until someone forces me to stop shopping there). We had a blast seeing everyone on Friday & Saturday and cannot wait until Greg & Suzy have to attend another wedding!

Here are a couple of more pictures from the weekend. It makes my heart melt to see this man with a baby!

On a side note - I did finally pick curtains for the living room. I decided on the solid ones because I'm bringing in some other exciting patterns! Clearly, J-Lo doesn't approve, but what do I care? She married Marc Anthony. We obviously have different tastes.

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